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The best recipe ideas

Ternera Gallega Roast Beef

We bring you a tender and tasty recipe based on one of our star products: Galician Beef. Take a look at the step by step!


    • In a baking dish, place the Ternera Gallega piece tied up with a round cooking twine for a better presentation.
    • Marinate it with garlic, parsley and salt mashed along with freshly ground pepper.
    • Right after, add oil, vinegar and white wine.
    • Heat up the oven at 200 degrees and put the roast beef inside for approximately 50 minutes; it should be roasted outside and pinkish inside.
    • When it is removed from the oven, place it on a board and chop it in fine fillet steaks.


It is possible to accompany the roast beef with chestnut purée or with some vegetables. Roast juice can also be used to accompany the meat. It will give it a savoury and juicy touch.