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Roast Chicken with Onion Soup and Vermouth Sauce

A way to prepare free-range chicken in a different very tasty way


    • Add salt and pepper and some flour to the free-range chicken chunks.
    • In a pan with a tiny dash of oil, brown and sear the chicken on both sides. Put it aside.
    • In the same pan used for browning the free-range chicken, pour the vermouth, the muscatel, the water and the onion soup. Let the soup thicken for about 5 minutes on a low fire and put the lid on. If it is too thick, add some water.
    • Place the free-range chicken chunks on an oven tray, add the –somewhat thick– sauce on top and sprinkle abundantly with grated Parmesan cheese.
    • Preheat the oven to 200º for a few minutes and roast the free-range chicken in the –already hot– oven at 180º for 15-18 minutes. And so the roast chicken will be ready.


You can leave the chicken on the cooking pan and accompany it with basmati rice.