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The best recipe ideas

Galician Stew

Here is the star dish. A delicious stew made with the best ingredients.


    • The first thing to bear in mind is that both the shoulder and the head need to be left to soak for a day and a half before making the stew –changing the water a couple of times.
    • The same thing has to be done with the chickpeas, but half a day in advance is enough.
    • Heat water in a big pot. As soon as it starts boiling, add the chickpeas, the head, the shoulder and the veal.
    • Regarding the chorizos, some people add them at this point and others boil them aside. Your choice.
    • Leave everything boiling for a couple of hours approximately and add salt after one hour cooking.
    • After this time, place the meat on a platter and slice it to your liking.
    • In a different pot, boil the cabbage or the greens that you have chosen along with the entire potatoes and the chorizos on the top –if you want them to be separate. After 20 minutes, remove the chorizos and 10 minutes later the greens and the potatoes.


Place the stew in two different platters: one for meat and chorizos and the other one for the greens, chickpeas and potatoes. And now you will be ready for this feast!