Our entity COOPERATIVAS OURENSANAS, S.C.G uses cookies with the in order to provide you with a better browsing experience. Also, in If you give your consent, we will use cookies that allow us get more information about your preferences and customize our Site Web in accordance with your individual interests, so that you have a more fluid and personalized navigation. From our company we want to inform you clearly and precisely about the cookies we use on our website. In case you want to get more information about the use and purpose we make of cookies implemented on our website, you can write an email to web@coren.es If you are under 16 years of age you cannot continue browsing this website, except that has the express consent of their parents or guardians. Our service It is not aimed at children under 16 years of age, so we do not process data obtained of said group.
A cookie is a small file that is downloaded to your computer, tablet or user’s smartphone, in order to store data and information that may be updated and retrieved by the entity responsible for their installation. The information collected through cookies may include the date and time of visits to the website, the different tabs that you have viewed or the time that it has remained in it. This information will be used by the owner of the website to improve their contents, make the web more attractive and correctly place the contents that most interest visitors. Our entity does not collect or process personal information derived from or from the data regarding information that could reveal guidance sexual; political or religious beliefs; health information; or information considered sensitive (special categories of data, as defined by the General Data Protection Regulation of the European Union).
Depending on the entity that manages them, cookies can be:
The Website uses both its own and third-party cookies.
According to the period of time they remain activated:
The Website uses both persistent cookies and session cookies.
In compliance with Law 34/2002, you must accept them and give your consent express. Cookies are necessary for the proper functioning of the web and we will always respect your privacy, if you do not agree, you will not be able to browse by our site. Our website will process the data that you provide us solely for the purpose of managing the service you request in each moment. You can always address the company, either through the address of email that we have created to assist you in all your doubts, such as by phone, where specialized personnel will be able to assist you in a personalized.
These types of cookies are sent to your computer and managed exclusively by us for the best functioning of the website. The information we collect is used to improve the quality of our service and your user experience. These cookies are strictly necessary to provide a service or content. requested by the registered user. These are aimed at aspects technical, such as: remembering record IDs; preferences of tools in the use of content; interaction with the contents; location of access to content; data analysis for the purpose of improve performance, user analysis under certain navigation parameters; preparation of navigation profiles of the users and statistics, in order to introduce improvements based on the analysis of the data. This type of cookies can have a certain duration: 3 imminent expiration; expiration at the end of the session; temporary expiration.
Next, an information box regarding this class of cookies is inserted:
They are those that are sent to your computer from a computer or domain that is not managed by us, but by another collaborating entity. The cookies analytics used by Google, or those used by social networks to offer the user the possibility of sharing or recommending content from our website in them. They are cookies strictly not necessary to provide services, such as example, third party advertising; results information; habits of navigation; performance improvement. This type of cookies is characterized by obtain information for the following purposes: manage spaces advertising; know the browsing habits; analyze and measure results. To the Like the previous ones, this type of cookies may have an expiration variable: imminent, daily, or a longer time range. A box is inserted informative regarding this class of cookies and information provided by third parties about them. These cookies can be subdivided into the following types or scopes.
The companies that generate these cookies have their own policies of privacy, which establish their own statements, as well as systems opt-out.
All third-party cookies used by this site are listed below. web, as well as its characteristics and purposes:
We use the Google Adwords remarketing tool. Bliss tool allows you to post on the Google content network ads based on previous visits by users to our Website. To do this, some of the pages of the Website include a code called \ “tag remarketing \ “. These tags allow you to read and configure your cookies browser in order to determine the specific type of ad that will be shown to you to the user, based on elements related to their visit to our Site Web such as, for example, the chosen navigation circuit, the pages specific visited or the actions that have been carried out therein. The Remarketing lists created in this way are stored in a database of the Google servers, where all the cookie IDs associated with each list or category of interests. The information obtained only allows identify a specific browser, Google being unable to identify the user concrete only with this information.
To restrict or block cookies, you must modify the settings of the browser you use on your computer. In general, browsers offer the following configuration options in relation to the installation of cookies:
In relation to mobile devices, the following information is included Regarding adjustments or documentary about it: – For Android: Menu> More> Settings> Privacy settings. – For Blackberry: Home> Browser> Options> Privacy & Security: clear the Accept Cookies> Save
If the installation of all cookies on the website is prevented, some functionalities of the same, as well as some contents can be seen affected.
We may update the cookie policy of our website. For this reason, we recommend that you review this policy each time you access our website in order to be adequately informed about how and for what we use cookies The cookie policy of COOPERATIVAS OURENSANAS, S.C.G was updated for the last time on 05/24/2018.